Thursday, May 28, 2009


Tell me it's just me. Tell me I am just paranoid. Tell me I am just imagining things.

But hey--did you guys catch that portion in the Speech of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo at the Manila Hotel in today's official merger of LAKAS-KAMPI-CMD?

Of course the big story there is the official marriage of not two but three major political parties to ensure their victory in the 2010 elections. Yes, the other big story is that the president herself assures that elections will push through and that the No-Election scenarios are nothing but speculations. "Let this merger me a tangible proof of our readiness to help ensure that the elections will push through," this is what PGMA said.

You can also add that part that based on her assessment, siting performance and qualification, the next president of the Republic would definitely come from the newly merged political party of three. "Let us win not because we are powerful. Let us win because we are united," the president told her party-mates at the Manila Hotel who once again placed her on top of this political merger.

Allow me to direct your attention to something else the president said, in passing, a paragraph within her speech, her delivery of that portion was nothing extraordinary that it seemed as if it is just an ordinary thing to do.

The portion of PGMA's speech which I want to highlight, a story within a story I think, something I believe would be big and will cause real uproar in the coming days, is that portion where she is encouraging the alliance of local governments with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) then connecting the encouraged formation of alliance as a message against local government officials "flirting with enemies of the state" in the 2010 elections.

"Let us not allow it," the president stressed.

This portion of the president's speech gives credence to an information this journalist received that the AFP, the military will definitely flex their muscles and make their presence felt directly by local government units through various acts of "cooperation" which is synonymous to the "alliance" guidance mentioned by the president in her capacity as party-head and chairperson of the newly united three political parties of LAKAS-KAMPI-CMD.

When was the last time this kind of "alliance" and "cooperation" was experienced and felt in both urban and rural areas of this country? I believe this was observed during the time or during an era known in recent history as Martial Law.

I do not want to add fuel to grim scenarios of NO-EL but I would be remiss in my duty as a journalist if I will not share an information relayed to me by a very reliable source which may connect this seemingly innocent act of alliance between AFP and LGUs.

My source told me that come August of September, this personality heading one very important agency of government would be asked to retire early and ahead of the end of his term. That personality would be replaced by someone "closer", a real "ally" and someone who will "comply" and "implement" in the name of "victory in unity."

Someone went ahead of him. That person and this other one, I was told were both asked the same question by one very powerful person in government, not the president, but just the same, in a position of power and influence. And what was the question asked?

According to my source the question asked was: "Are you willing to implement Martial Law?"

It was easy to say "YES" to that question given the fact that they owe their position of power, their appointment to the administration. But my source told me, the two personalities responded with a resounding "NO."

Thus, the other personality is no longer in his former post, but rewarded an equally juicy post somewhere else, offshore.

The other one, while still in position, is ready to go, amenable to his fate, because he took a position and declared that the Filipino people will no longer allow any similar act of military rule.

This is one of the reasons, why many--especially us in media, are awaiting the political developments come August and September.

With this seemingly innocent statement of alliance between the AFP and LGUs, instead of feeling assured that the NO-EL scenario is nothing but a mere speculation, a grim and baseless scenario as what the president said, the opposite effect was achieved as far as I am concerned. As a journalist I am more inclined to be on that cautious position of vigilance.

There are signs.

Tracks are not fully covered and concealed.

All we have to do is keep our eyes open and do our respective parts guaranteed by the constitution in ensuring that our democracy remains protected---especially in the coming months. (end)

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